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What is coaching with bernie?

Illustrated Mountains

Coaching with Bernie is a Life Coaching collaboration process with an experienced and professionally trained coach who helps you make decisions, set and achieve goals, and identify obstacles and ways to overcome them. Coaching with Bernie allows you to live your life in full integrity with yourself. 

A Life Coach is like a supportive friend, trusted advisor, spirit guide, guidance counselor, motivator, strategist and accountability partner all rolled up into one. A Life Coach provides a safe and supportive space that allows you to explore your thoughts and have open, candid discussions about your journey forward. What is happening right now (your present experience)? What are your priorities (your values)? Where do you want to be (your vision)? The coaching experience is focused on your present experience, values and vision, identifying your behaviors and aligning your choices to work toward your personal fulfillment. 

Common reasons to collaborate with a Life Coach stem from a sense of feeling stuck, waning motivation or lack of balance. You might feel your life is out of sync with your values, or you lack personal fulfillment in what you're doing. Life Coaching can improve lives, relationships and career performance through identifying and developing your overall strengths and abilities. Coaching helps you recognize your value and potential, and it assists you in refocusing your energy on what's important in your life. Having clarity on what's important to you, being conscious of and choosing to own your behavior can propel you to the change you are searching for. Develop your emotional intelligence, discover your authentic self and become a better version of you!

What coaching with bernie is not

It is easy to confuse coaching with Mentoring or Therapy. Although there are some similarities with these professional areas, there are some clear differences as well. The diagram below is a visualization of the similarities and differences between Mentoring, Coaching and Therapy.


What you can expect with Bernie

Coaching with Bernie sessions are scheduled, one hour video conferencing sessions tailored to topics and areas of your focus. There is no one-size-fits-all template for coaching. Everyone is unique and everyone has a different vision of where they are today and where they want to be tomorrow. Bernie doesn't assume you have challenges or issues that need to be "fixed". You don't have to be broken to want to align your vision and values to your everyday life. Maybe you just want to explore your options, refocus your energy and find a different path to travel down. Together, with Bernie, you will discover what your priorities are, your talent and skills, and how they align or deviate from your vision. You will identify behaviors, explore options and set goals to lead you to what you envision for yourself.

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